She's a big girl. Who's wearing big girl panties. And constantly making me laugh. And exasperating me. Her brother's babyhood has really made me realize how grown up she is. She loves to talk about when she'll be three and tell anyone who will listen what she'll get to do when she's three (which includes going to preschool, play soccer and take dance).
Weight: ~28.5 pounds
Length: ~32 inches
New things:
- Big girl panties. And NO accidents in them at all. She's pretty amazing.
- Enrolling for preschool in the fall. I am kinda a mess. So excited that she's going to Warm World (or Warm Warm, as she calls it), which her momma is a proud grad of, but I cannot believe she is old enough to start preschool. I have also realized her first day of preschool will be her brother's first day of mother's day out ... someone please have wine and Kleenex on hand for me after drop off that day...
- Her teachers at school are amazed that they can have full, relevant conversations with her. She recently told them all about our upcoming trip to Ponca City, who was going with us, who would be there, that my mom had been to the doctor, my mom's doctor's name, etc. She also gave me a full report about her teacher's son, who's had a stomach bug. The talking is seriously insane.
- Using the word "certainly." "I certainly love you, Mommy. And I love to say certainly."
- Asking why. All the time. About everything. And driving me crazy.
- Peeing in a cup at the doctor's office. Which was highly thrilling for her. She was super disappointed that she only got to do it once.
- Holding imaginary classes at home, where of course she is the teacher. She likes to teach Gymboree and music classes, just like she has at school. It's not always required that we participate, but she lets us know if we need to. Sometimes we get to be her friends and sometimes we are other teachers. She sings the songs, in order, gives instructions, sends people to time out, brings out Gymbo the clown, gives out stamps for those who are cooperating, gets everyone ready for naptime ... it's SO hilarious.
- An OBSESSION with the Curious George book she received from her cousins. It has six or eight stories in it and we literally read it before every nap and bedtime. "Mommy, I want Curious George. I will pick out the story."
- A super fun trip to Ponca City to visit my aunt and uncle, cousin and her girls. We've been to Ponca lots of times before, but Addie totally held her own with the big girls and was entirely comfortable with everyone this time.
- All crafts. We recently made little bird feeders out of blueberries and Cheerios. Mostly she ate the decorations, but she loved it. Loves to paint, use markers, play with chalk ...
- Cooking with me or her Grammie. Especially baking cookies.
- Parties. Especially the birthday variety.
- Cheese.
- Going with her Daddy to get take out. Or even better going out to eat with us. Saturn Grill (aka the "pizza place") is her fave
- Playing outside. Thank goodness for some nice weather recently.
- Watching basketball.
- Knowing exactly what's on her schedule for the day. And the next day. Upon waking up, she always asks, "Where we going today, Mommy?"
- Cupcakes.
- Watching movies, especially Toy Story, Shrek and Monster's Inc.
- Picking out diapers for her brother.
- Helping with her brother's tummy time.
- When her brother wears gloves.
- Her BFF Stella.
- She still loves going to the library on Tuesday mornings. Loves her class, especially when they sing songs or there is a craft involved, and she loves to pick out books. Clifford, Biscuit and Curious George are favorites right now.
- Playing kitchen.
- Being told to go to time out. "But I don't want to go, Mommy."