This girl of mine is such a little person. With a BIG personality. And lots to say. As much as she can drive me up the walls, I love her more fiercely than I ever knew I was capable of. She is such a light in our lives whose sense of humor and sweet heart constantly surprise me. She's also a bit of a nutcase, which she comes by quite naturally. She loved her bubby's baptism this past month and was not interested in being held when we went up on the big stage for it. She was seriously eyeing the holy water during the prayer and kept brushing her daddy's hand off her shoulder when he tried to confine her. Miss Independent. She has loved getting ready for Easter with our Lent candles, Easter activities and crafts. She loves to talk about Jesus "coming out of the rock."
Weight: ~29 pounds
Length: ~32 inches
New things:
- Continuing to say "why." About everything. All. The. Time.
- Saying lots of funny things.
- When her ped thought she had bronchitis, we, of course, taught her to say, "Bronchitis - ain't nobody got time for that."
- Telling her teachers at church "Mommy yelled and banged the table this morning." She's already telling on me. Thankfully her sweet teachers responded with, "Well, what did you do that caused mommy to yell and bang the table?" Mother of the year right here.
- When I told her "Stop bossing Daddy. You are not in charge of him" she responded with, "Because you are?" You got it.
- When we made resurrection rolls (marshmallows wrapped in crescent rolls ... with the idea being the marshmallow is supposed to dissolve when baked, representing the empty tomb), our marshmallows leaked out all over the plan. Not exactly what we were going for. But she was delighted: "Look Mommy! Jesus comed out of the rock!!"
- When coloring and cutting out pictures depicting the various events during Lent, holding the cup of wine representing the Last Supper, pretending to drink it and saying, "Yummy. I am drinking wine."
- An obsession with wearing nightgowns to bed
- Getting to "drive" a fire truck ... really just sit in it, but she was convinced she was driving
- Growling, literally, when she gets really mad about something. Usually accompanied by flinging arms or a flopping body. No drama here.
- Being diagnosed with asthma. Boo. Bring on the twice-daily inhaler and oral steroids.
- Losing one ear tube. And immediately getting an ear infection. I had forgotten how much ear infections suck. Between her and her brother, I now remember very clearly.
- Her bubby. She wants to be with him pretty much all the time. When I suggest we do something just the two of us, she usually wants to know if he can come too.
- Speaking of her bubby, making him laugh, which she's pretty great at
- Praying. She loves to tell Jesus what she's thankful for and pray for our friends and family. Be still my heart.
- Being outside. Thank goodness for the (mostly) nicer weather. She loves to play in our front yard or with the neighbor kiddos or go to the park.
- Going to Pawpaw's work.
- Having her face painted. This was a new activity that she was rather unsure about, but immediately afterward she said, "Let's do that again." She was a little devastated when it had to be washed off.
- Granola. I know, random. She made some with me and now is almost as obsessed as I am.
- Crafting and cooking remain near and dear to her heart.
- Playing with play dough
- Reading books - and I mean her pretending to read. Although she's heard her Curious George book enough that it actually appears she's really reading it. Kinda amazing.
- Her new inhaler. I know, weirdo. But I'm glad she thinks it's fun rather than dreads it.
- Lighting our Lent candles. Though she usually calls them the Advent candles, she's been quick to remind us on Sundays that we "need to do the candles." She also amazingly can remember all the candles specific names.
- Starting gymnastics again. Her favorite parts are the "zip" (zip line, which she can now do all by herself) and jumping. Though there are three trampolines, she prefers the one where she can wear a belt, operated by her teacher, that helps her do flips. Daddy's girl.
- Easter eggs. The plastic variety. She loves to hide them for us or ask us to hide them for her.
- Not getting her way.
- Being told to go to time out, or told that if she does xxx one more time she'll have to go to time out. She responds with, "But I don't want to."