I'm gonna go ahead and say it. He's a genius. This guy has really blossomed over the last month, hitting milestone after milestone. Reminding me so much of his sister, especially the part where he's going to do things on his own schedule, his own way. I just assumed he wouldn't speak till he was 5 (boy and second child, you know) and he's totally proved me wrong. I had also assumed he would just never crawl. After all, his sister does everything for him.
He is such a love bug and is happiest when he's with his people. He's especially enamored with his daddy. His expression and flailing arms when Jordan gets home every day are priceless. And if Jordan doesn't pick him up first, or tries to give him back to me, he let's us all know LOUDLY that he disapproves.
He is a clown. He loves to make us laugh and to laugh when we are laughing. He's obsessed with all things musical.
The sleeping is still questionable. Whatever, man.
Weight: 19 pounds
Length: 26.5 inches
New things:
- The talking. It's unreal. First word at 9.5 months was definitely mama. Followed by dada. And then his favorite word ... Adda or sometimes Addie. He calls for her anytime he wakes up and she's not yet up or when he's away from her. We were at the doctor recently, without her, and he kept looking around saying Adda? Adda? Next was Izzy. This is so bittersweet as we said goodbye to our precious dog just a few days ago. I love that he learned her name before she left this earth (Izzy was his sister's second word). And that he would bark back at her anytime she barked. He also says bye bye (complete with the wave) and uh-oh. He's tried to say book, bubble and milk (which is always yelled at me ... usually sounds like Ma! Ma!)
- The crawling. Once he figured it out, there was no turning back. He is FAST! He never stays where I put him anymore ... He's very proud of his newfound independence. And his ability to hide from us.
- Pulling up on all manner of things. His preference is to pull up on his people. Usually pulls up to his knees, but sometimes his feet.
- He rocks the downward dog pose
- Clapping. He does it constantly. If we say hands or clap or sing pattycake or say yay ... any chance he gets to clap, he's on it.
- Eating all finger foods. He pretty much loves everything - even chicken these days. Avocado is still a no-go.
- Drinking from a sippy cup! Hallelujah! He can even do it by himself.
- That drinking from a cup means he's doing SO much better at school. He's eating well, drinking his milk ( and consequently not quite so frantic to see me when I pick him up) and taking naps. Praise Jesus. That school thing was pretty touch-and-go for awhile. I continue to be SO thankful for his wonderful teachers who love him so and are so patient with him.
- Dancing. Listening to any music. Holding Jordan's jam box or a phone and rocking out to the music playing. Homie can always find the beat.
- Giggling. He and Addie will start laughing at each other and can't stop.
- Chasing his sister. :)
- Still loves his jumper. He's especially fond of the ones at school. He jumped himself right to sleep in one last Sunday.
- His four-legged friends. Even until her last day, Izzy was so tolerant of him. Even Mia will snuggle him, briefly.
- Going to the library. He loves the stories, the music and all the people to look at.
- I think I can finally say he likes school and church. Finally.
- He still likes to nurse, but we've dropped another feeding and unless he's sleepy or feeling bad, he's not interested for long. I'm thankful, and a little sad, that he's self-weaning.
- Eating. I think pancakes and banana are his favorite.
- His sister. He totally misses her when he's away from her. She can do anything to him and he thinks it's hilarious. Someday he'll learn to fight back, but for now he's content with her attention.
- Doors. He has a serious door obsession. He finds any open door and swings it back and forth, back and forth. Several times a day, he shuts himself in his room and lays against his door so I have to very carefully push it open to get him out. He thinks it's hilarious.
- Toilets. His father's son?
- Being alone in the middle of the night.
- Having anything taken away from him, including things like dirt or sticks that he's trying to eat.