Addie and I are kindred spirits who LOVE Christmas and holidays and special events of all kinds. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are having a wonderful time getting ready for Christmas. She loves her daily Advent calendar ... and will even listen to the Bible verses before getting her candy out. She also loves our weekly Advent wreath lighting. She can pretty impressively tell the entire Christmas story. She helped decorate, and was delighted when Coco her elf came back from the North Pole. She saw Santa this past weekend and just loved him. Win!
She loved Halloween, especially dressing up like a flamingo. We had a fun family trip to Arkansas/Missouri where we stayed in a cabin, went to Silver Dollar City, toured a cave, toured a big cat park, etc. She loves being outdoors, and she loves all things fall.
Warm World is still her favorite. She cried and cried when she was sick one day and couldn't go. I am so impressed with her ability to write her name and many other letters. She sings every song and can tell me each part of her day (when she feels like it). She has had two special roles in Chapel - once saying the prayer in front of everyone, and once shaking a tambourine while "Mr John" played the guitar. She's not afraid of anything.
Addie is thrilled about her new puppy, Lola, though we still talk about missing Izzy nearly every day. Lola is enamored with her big sister.
And of course Hutch is enchanted with her too. Now that he's getting bigger, feistier and more independent, we've had some rough days ... but all in all, she's a great big sister who's always looking out for him and taking care of him.
Weight: 31 pounds
Length: 36.5 inches
New things:
- Writing her name. She even wrote a letter to Santa ... that her mother can decipher at least :)
- "Reading" her books to me, which consists of looking at the pictures and making up the story. Or recalling it exactly from memory.
- Doing a lot more things "by herself," like washing her hair, going to the potty, getting ice/water out of the fridge dispenser. It's the little things.
- Helping more with chores around the house. She's very into helping put away laundry. Yippee!
- Lots more on-her-own gymnastics, including the zip line, somersaults and the rings.
- Riding her first roller coaster at Silver Dollar City. It was a little one. We both screamed the whole time :)
- Playing with all her nativity sets, while telling the Christmas story.
- Watching Christmas movies. Or any movie really.
- Gymnastics, which she's doing so well at. She loves doing (very) assisted back flips on the trampoline there.
- Cooking and baking, which really just means licking the bowl.
- Still very into playing pretend.
- Fancy Nancy books.
- Christmas books and music.
- Playing games. As long as she can win.
- Being a flamingo for Halloween
- Going to Target
- Wearing boots
- Candy
- Her new dog
- Being in charge of her own meals, which means she gets to decide when she's done. It's a new tactic we're trying as meals were the source of many a throw down. So far, so good.
- Finding Coco the elf each morning.
Dislikes:- Sleeping in her own bed
- The monsters that apparently take up residence in her room