Addie just learned to tie her shoes and she lost her first tooth with about four more that may fall out anytime. I cannot even. She had her first ever dance recital, in which she was darling, and then decided that was enough dance for her. She just started piano, or pre-piano really, lessons, which she is crazy about. She's learning how to read and draw notes, some beginning keyboarding skills, how to sing, etc.
Addie had a tough time with soccer this fall as they were playing 5 and 6 year olds ... she was usually one of the smallest on the field, and they also transitioned to much bigger fields, bigger goals and 5 kids on the field. She's tenacious though and still managed to get in the mix and excel at defense. She'll be playing in a girls-only league this spring, and we hope that will help her gain back some of her confidence. She's also loved playing basketball this winter. She's dismayed that she never "scores any goals" but her defense skills are stellar. She's gotten lots of rebounds and even stolen the ball several times. She's so fun to watch.
She loves Barbies and Shopkins and American Girl dolls and accessories. She always loves bossing her brothers. She loves to craft and paint and bake and play outside. She's doing awesome on her bike ... perhaps this spring we'll remove the training wheels. She's totally a perfectionist and occasionally gets some extreme anxiety (the apple doesn't fall far, y'all). She loves to veg in front of the TV when we let her. She and Hutch love to have "sleepovers" together where he sleeps on her trundle bed. She loves to wrestle with her Daddy when he gets home from work. She's convinced she will star on either The Voice or Chopped Junior someday.
She almost always wants to follow the rules and wants everyone else to do the same. She doesn't love when the routine changes and I know her teacher has to give lots of warning and explanation if things are going to change at school. She is so empathetic and on more than one occasion has told me about playing with or sitting with or helping a friend who's been left out or just feeling sad. While I know her choices in this realm aren't always great, she does strive to be a good friend and look out for others, which makes my mama heart sing.
In a nutshell, she reminds me exactly of myself. Good, bad and in-between.
Weight: 44 pounds
Length: 42 inches
New things:
- Mastering 7 sight words lists
- Making up "recipes", usually with the items on her plate
- First dance recital, which was super cute.
- Piano lessons
- Tying her shoes
- Losing a tooth
- Getting a cavity filled. Not fun for anyone.
- We've been reading chapter books before bed, which she loves. Ramona, Boxcar Children, Bill Wallace, and a few from this generation, too ;)
- Allergy testing, which wasn't as awful as expected because she wasn't allergic to anything. That was a surprise. In a quest to find out why she's still having so many ear infections and whether we're going to need to place another set of tubes.
- Helping with chores around the house, including feeding the dog and helping with dishes, to earn an allowance ($1/week is a big deal)
- Riding her bike
- Playing in the snow. Thank goodness it finally snowed. She could have stayed out in it all day. Her brothers were less impressed
- Playing Barbie, baby dolls or Shopkins (I still have no idea what the point of Shopkins is)
- Going to the doctor. She knows the doctor almost never means shots, and although she's scared or flu and strep tests, she also knows she'll get stickers to add to her collection
- Spending her own money at Target
- Snacks and sweets
- Eating at restaurants
- All arts and crafts projects
- Reading and being read to
- Playing outside
- Helping out with baby brother
- Sleeping alone, or not having a sleeping partner as she puts it
- Being denied TV time
- Missing school
- Messing up schoolwork