Friday, December 2, 2011

You say it's my birthday

It's my birthday. Yep, the last one before the big one. Strangely, I'm not stressed or sad or panicked about it like I thought I'd be. On my 26th birthday, I had a major meltdown. Lots of crying, didn't want to celebrate, the works. For some reason that number made me feel old and on the downhill slide to 30. Wish I could have told my 26-year-old self that the best was yet to come. This past year has been the most rewarding and most challenging of my life. I am so thankful for my many blessings and that so many long-prayed prayers seem to have come to fruition over this year. Here are some things I'd like to tell my 30-year-old self:
  1. Please don't be stressed about being 30. It's just a number. You have an amazing life and family. Think about that instead.
  2. You know how you've had that goal to run a half-marathon for a while now? Have you done that yet? I say that knowing that your 29-year-old self is struggling to run more than 2 miles at a time right now ... hope you've gotten over that. But really, I just hope you're running or zumba-ing or lifting or going to the gym or something. No, I'm not saying you're fat. It's good "you" time. And you feel better about yourself when you do.
  3. Do you love working part time? I hope you remember all the thoughts/emotions that went into that decision and I hope it's still the right one.
  4. How's that sweet baby girl? I can't believe she's over a year old! I wonder if she's walking, how much she's talking ... so hard to imagine. Remember how tiny she was a year ago, and cherish every moment with her.
  5. Are you taking time out for your husband? Are you telling him that you love him every day? Are you having date nights, sans baby? Have you gone on a vacation, just the two of you, like you planned? Do that.
  6. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're better about this at 29 than you were at 28, so I'm hoping 30 is even better. You don't have to have a perfectly clean house, folded laundry, just the right groceries in the fridge for a perfect meal ... at least not all the time. Play with Addie before you think about the house. Talk to your husband before you worry about laundry.
  7. I'm confident you're still going to church every Sunday. I hope Addie like the nursery. She talks a lot though the sermon and prayers right now. I hope you've been able to get back involved with Sunday School. Those people are so good for you.
So, here's to the last year of my 20s. Hey Erin - the best is yet to come.

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