Addie loved everything Christmas, including looking at lights, seeing Santa, crafting, decorating the house and her room, seeing family, parties, etc. She asked Santa for a Rapunzel dress and accessories, and a Tiana dress and accessories, and he delivered. She loved doing the Advent candles every Sunday - and not surprisingly was often our reminder to do it! She loves to pray, and make up the most heartfelt, sweet prayers, which totally amazes me. (Brother's prayer: Thank you Jesus, vacuuming).
We said very sad goodbyes to Mia, who has been sick for about six months. Although Addie knew it was coming as Mia had been living at the clinic for several weeks, it was still so difficult for all of us. She's my sweet, sensitive girl who loves her animals just like family. We've talked a lot about what Mia is doing and who she's with in heaven.
Probably the most excitement for my girl is being a big sister, again. Weston is her baby, and she's totally in love. It's been a bit of a transition, and she's admitted that it's been hard for mom to have to be with the baby all the time, but she loves to hold him and help with him. She's also been a huge help with that other baby of mine, including lots of encouragement and praise for using the potty!
She loves school and has started to read Bob books at the encouragement of her teacher. I'm seriously amazed, although teaching a person to read is a little excruciating, y'all. Sometimes we just have to put the book down and move on. She loves preparing her word of the week each week. I love how into academics she is, but I'm trying to encourage more free play and outside play so my girl can exercise her silliness and just be a 4-year-old before every day school starts next year (I can't talk any more about it - I WILL cry).
Weight: 33 pounds
Length: 40 inches
New things:
- Starting to write her lowercase letters.
- Reading! She is soaking it all up and is great at sounding out words. She also loves to memorize and recognize sight words.
- Taking a break from organized activities (other than soccer!) for more free time and free play. And because mom has 46 children
- Time alone with mom or dad
- Pedis and manis. While she's constantly asking me to go back to "the spa" she's usually pretty content to let Grammie, Mimi or me make "a spa" at home.
- Watching "Chip and JoJo" on HGTV
- Her Elf on the Shelf, Coco. She LOVED finding him every morning and especially loved when he brought her special milk from the North Pole.
- Crafting and artwork. I love that her teacher says she always gravitates towards this type of thing at school, too. My creative little one.
- Being the Handy Helper at school, which also means getting to be the line leader all day and being in charge of the calendar. I totally get it. I want to be the Handy Helper too.
- Bossing Hutch around and instructing exactly how and what they are going to play.
- Getting even better on her scooter. And being a regular daredevil gymnast on her new play set.
- Helping a lot around the house, with laundry, setting the table, with dishes, feeding the dog, getting things for brother when he's crying.
- Having a sleeping partner. Thankfully she's been mostly sleeping in her own bed, but she'd always prefer to have a partner ;)
- Being the Handy Helper at school. Also getting to bring home the Bear Bag, be the special helper in chapel or getting to recite the verse
- Baking anything.
- Not being the Handy Helper
- Feeling left out at school. Being 4 is hard y'all
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