Oh this funny boy. He is BUSY. All. The. Time. And now that he's on the move, I have no idea how I'm going to keep up. He tried to crawl off the bed 27 times while I took his monthly pics today. I'm terrified of the day he discovers the stairs.
He loves to be out and about. Loves brother and sister and wants to be right in the middle of whatever they are doing. He loves to jump, and will jump himself entirely out of your arms if you let him. He loves his mama best and will cry, scream and punch his way to me (even if someone else is holding him). He loves when Daddy comes home at night and strains and strains to see him once he's heard his voice.
I keep waiting for this kid to sprout some teeth, but none so far. He's had some tummy issues return the past month ... we're supposed to be weaning off colic and reflux meds, but that may not actually happen. We'll see.
He's quickly outgrowing his brother's summertime clothing ... maybe this kid will get his very own wardrobe after all! We can't wait to see what the next month will bring.
Weight: 18+ pounds
Length: 27 inches
New things:
- Crawling. Y'all. He. Is. Crawling. It's definitely a primitive army crawl, but he is SO FAST. And he's already begun experimenting with getting up on hands and knees and rocking.
- More eating. Still not a sweet potatoes fan. I made a quinoa/chick pea mixture and he thought I was trying to kill him with it. Other than that, he's loved everything: peaches, kiwi, mango, pears, apples, zucchini, broccoli, squash, green beans, peas. Prunes and banana are his fave.
- "Asking" for his real breakfast every morning.
- Eating three meals a day!
- Staying in the nursery at church. For a whole hour. Today was the first, and he did great. Brief nap, lots of play. I don't even think he missed me.
- Perhaps a wave?? We were waving at him last night and trying to get him to wave back ... there was some finger fluttering, some high chair tray banging and a whole lot of laughing. We'll keep working on it.
- Getting himself from a seated position to his tummy to crawl. Sometimes this involves just banging his head on the ground, other times he's a bit more graceful.
- Trying to drop his 10pm feeding, which is going well so far. Attempts to delay/drop other feedings have not been received well.
- Speaking of those feedings, putting his limbs up/under my shirt and/or pulling at my clothing to declare he's hungry or sleepy.
- He still talks constantly.
- Sucking his thumb. He does it more and more, and can often put himself to sleep or back to sleep with that sweet little thumb. It doesn't get lost in his bed like the paci.
- Jumping. In his jumper, in the carrier, in your arms, wherever. He loves to pull up (with help) and jump.
- Playing with kitchen utensils during a meal.
- Swimming.
- Baths with brother and sister.
- Playing the "whack" game at mealtimes. Brother and sister hit the table and yell "whack" while he laughs hysterically and bangs his tray with his hands or kitchen utensil.
- Brother and sister's Little People farm ... really any of their toys are OK by him.
- His puppy piano and anything else that makes noise/music
- The little Elmo and Ernie toys brother and sister passed along to him
- Chewing on anything and everything
- Snuggling his mama.
- Banging on the tile or wood floors
- Finding Lola and pulling on her lips, toes or ears.
- Books. He prefers to eat them right now.
- Holding any and all toys with his feet.
- Being under his nursing cover. He pulls it off completely with complete disregard to anyone around us. Whatever, man.
- When he can see mama and mama's not the one holding him.
- Naps
- Sweet potatoes.
- Asking to be held and being refused (always temporary)
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