Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Addison Mae - 4 years, 10 months

How in the wide world is this girl nearing FIVE?! That statement makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry. At times Addie seems so grown up to me, and others I realize just how little she still is. She's gaining, and asserting, more independence, but she also still really needs her mama. 

Having two baby boys around this house has been a little challenging for my girl, but she's mostly taken it in stride and tried to be helpful every step of the way. She is a sweet, sensitive girl who always aims to please. She loves her baby brother so much and he adores her. Same goes with Hutch! She, mostly, sets such a good example for them both. Occasionally she lets her wild side fly.

Addie finished up the Butterflies class at Warm World where she had an amazing year with the best teacher we could have ever hoped for. Other than being academically advanced, we constantly heard (and saw) her desire to be kind and helpful to everyone around her. Sometimes that meant when she got home, she had run out of "nice" for her family, but her mama knows exactly what that feels like. She loved being the "handy helper" at every turn, loved when mom or dad visited school and completely adored her teacher. She is really making strides with her reading and is awesome at sounding out and spelling words. I think her mama's love of learning totally rubbed off on this girl. We are so excited she's returning to Warm World next year for their Kites program, which is a transitional kindergarten. 

Addie had a stellar soccer season, scoring several goals and being the superstar defender on her team. Everyone wants to play with Addie! She loved being with her friends but sometimes declared soccer to be too hard and too much work! She's getting ready to try basketball this summer - we'll see how it goes! She loves any kind of craft or art project and has been asking to learn more about cooking this summer. She's always been a big helper with baking, but so far she's also tried her hand at grilled cheese and eggs (a little terrifying for her mother, but I'm trying to be a cool mom!) She's obsessed with ladybugs and now has a habitat for them. She learned all about what they eat, how much water to give, etc. and loves watching them in their little home. She is always sad but good about letting them go after a few days.

Addie's loving our new pool, and while we haven't had much non-life jacket time yet this summer, I know the swimming will come back to her easily. She also just loves to be outside, especially if roasting marshmallows and making s'mores is involved.

Weight: ~39 pounds
Length: 40 inches

 New things:
  • More reading! She's great at her BOB books and is starting to try some other easy readers, too.
  • Writing all her lowercase letters and many numbers.
  • Sounding out words to spell
  • Cooking! Her eggs and coffee for Mother's Day were excellent. 
  • Basketball starts in a few weeks
  • New glasses in about a week. Her prescription has increased a bit and she selected a pretty turquoise frame.
  • Performing songs for us in the evenings. She's pretty serious about it and sure she's going to end up on The Voice.
  • Ladybug collecting as mentioned above.
  • Asking every day for a new cat. Mama can't handle it just yet.
  • Encouraging and helping Hutch with his potty training. I've already told the two of them that they are going to be totally in charge of Weston when it's his turn.
  • Learning where babies come from. She wasn't very impressed and pretty quickly asked if she could have her cartoons back on
  • Dancing to Watch me Whip. She can do all the moves.

  • Watching movies, with her favorites being Cinderella and Tangled. And watching the funny show, the signing show, the cooking show or the house show.
  • Hanging out with just mama.
  • Pedis and manis remain near and dear to this girl's heart. She LOVED going with Grammie and me last weekend to get our fingers and toes beach-ready.
  • Swimming. All. The. Time. 
  • Hula-hooping, jump roping, scootering and any other outdoor activities
  • Ice cream. And s'mores making.
  • Favorite foods are cheese pizza and macaroni. She will also devour pretty much any fruit, and she loves squash and zucchini. She likes sweets, but definitely didn't get my (crazy) sweet tooth. 
  • Helping with chores. She really likes to set the table, help with dishes and is always asking "can I do anything for you, mom?" Although when I have an idea or a need, it's often met with resistance ;)
  • Playing kitchen with Hutch. Or babies, "Pawpaw and Tabitha," or mommy and daddy.
  • School. She's missing it right now. She loved the routine and her friends.
  • Being the hostess. 
  • Some not-so-nice girls at school ... mean girls start early, y'all
  • Getting in trouble. Being in time out.
  • Hutch getting more of anything than her ... attention, macaroni, M&Ms ... and you better believe she's constantly sizing up and counting.

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