Oh this sweet boy of mine steals my heart every day. He is hilarious, ornery, impish, so very smart, cautious, silly and a definite Daddy's boy, though he does love his mama. He wants to do EVERYTHING his sister does. EVERYTHING. I feel like I am constantly reminding him that she's two whole years older than him, which keeps him from doing a lot of things he really wants to do.
Hutch had a great year at school and slowly came out of his shell. He loved his two friends Carson and Bobby, and has even named a stuffed dog and baby doll after each of them. He and Carson loved to ride on little busses every morning together and Carson would always squeal and run to the door when Hutch arrived. He loved music time at school and Gymboree. For his teachers, he pretty much always followed the rules but started to push his luck just a little toward the end of the year.
Hutch's vocabulary and articulation is pretty incredible, if I do say so myself. I've noticed him actually initiating conversation with people around him recently, and he's very intuitive about it. He definitely takes to whining and fit-throwing when he doesn't get his way. He wants to be independent, but he's often very cautious and unsure about it.
He LOVES to swim and has gotten over his fear of jumping in off the side. However, his mama still has great fear he's going to hit his head or other important body parts. He's pretty confident in the water, with his puddle jumper on. And last weekend discovered what it felt like to jump in without it while mom and dad were yelling at him to stop. He doesn't always like to follow the rules.
We are making some strides with potty training. He's been in pull-ups since just before school ended. Our one day of actual underwear ended with a wet couch! So I'm working up my nerve to try again. He maybe has one accident a day, and will go (albeit with whining) most times we ask him to. But I'm debating whether he can actually tell me that he needs to go. So for now, pull-ups it is. And lots of M&Ms when he has success.
Weight: ~29 pounds
Length: 26.5 inches
New things:
- Definitely more success at this whole potty thing. He usually stays dry even during nap.
- Building more confidence while swimming. We'll see how swim lessons go later this summer.
- Lots of singing in the car to songs on the radio. Which makes me giggle every time.
- New glasses coming in a few weeks. His prescription will actually be a little weaker (barely) and he needed new frames for his big boy face.
- Getting better at this whole counting thing. And recognizing all his colors.
- He loves to "read" and sound out words like his sister. Which really just means he's mimicking her. His favorite activity.
- Being pretty sweet with his baby brother. He's generally very gentle and likes to help by declaring when Weston is "frowing up" and bringing me a burp cloth.
- Much more interest in being a "helper" like sister, including opening blinds, getting Lola in and out of her crate, helping with cooking, etc.
- A sneer/scowl for the camera when we tell him to smile, just like someone else I used to know!
- His sister is No. 1. It's clear what would happen if she jumped off a cliff.
- Reading books. All books. All the time.
- The color pink.
- Singing.
- Watching basketball with daddy. Also the funny show, the cooking show and the house show.
- Going out to eat, or to get a "pecial tweet"
- Chocolate. He is totally my kid
- Tractors, although he usually corrects me to say "it's an excavator mama"
- Playing with cars and trucks. And baby dolls.
- Playing "daddy and mommy" with sister
- Watching movies. But only for about 20 minutes. Cars and Toy Story are favorites. Along with Frozen
- His mama, especially with this new baby around who takes up a lot of mama's time. But definitely still a Daddy's boy.
- When Daddy stays home on Saturdays and makes chocolate chip pancakes.
- Going to Grammie and Pawpaw's house
- Being outside. Getting dirty. But not too dirty. "Clean me up mama"
- Putting on his shoes. Because that means he can go somewhere.
- Pizza, macaroni and cheese, "ticken nuggets" are favorite foods. But this boy will eat the heck out of most fruits, especially cantaloupe, kiwi and raspberries. And he loves all manner of bread.
- Chick-Fil-A, or chicken role?, as he calls it. He also loves Hideaway Pizza and Panera. Really any restaurant will do.
- Making s'mores outside.
- Having an indoor pic-a-nic
- Having to go potty when he's in the middle of something important
- Not getting to do what sister is doing
- When sister won't do what he wants
- Sharing
- Time outs
- When no one will put on his shoes
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