Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hutch Marshall - 3 months

This sweet baby boy is getting so big! And SO busy. He pretty much never quits moving, even in his sleep, evidenced by his constant Houdini-ing out of his swaddle. I was a little surprised at his 2 month check up (closer to 3 months) that he is now only in the 50th percentile of weight. Even our ped picked him up and said, "Wow, he is stout."

He loves bath time, his sister, his Taggie puppy and his blue octopus (if you remember, this was a  staple for his sister, too.) He is so interactive with anyone and everyone. He loves to smile and "talk." He really loves to have intent conversations with the octopus. Or that really cute baby he sees in the mirror.

Sleeping is getting better. He's just waking once per night to eat, though usually he requires several paci-replacements during the night. His crazy mom has insisted he have a bedtime and more of a schedule ... he happens to be exactly like his sister, which means he doesn't really adhere to a schedule ... so basically we're just following his napping and eating cues and calling it a schedule.
The colic/reflux is nonexistent some days ... and kinda rough others. He's still nowhere near as intense as his sister was, so we're counting our blessings there. I can definitely tell that it's worse on days when he's overtired or overstimulated.

Weight: 13 pounds, 7 ounces
Length: 24 inches

New things:
  • Oh the talking! He loves to sit in our laps and have a full conversation with us. Or with his Taggie puppy. Or blue octopus. Or especially his sister.
  • Awesome head control
  • Holding himself all the way up on his forearms.
  • One roll over (tummy to back). I think it was accidental. And likely mom-induced
  • More intently batting at toys
  • Houdini-ing out of his swaddle
  • An 8 pm bedtime, which is magical for his parents. Both babies in bed by 8:30. Dreamfeed at 10 pm and usually sleeping until 4 or 5 for his next feeding. Usually going back to sleep (typically in his swing, mind you) till 8.
  • More of a "routine," which usually includes 4-5 naps and 7-9 feedings per day.
  • Sleeping more in his crib rather than the swing. A few nights he's gone all night in the crib, and we've been successfully attempting most naps in the crib.
  • Just starting to notice his dog and cat. Who both love him, by the way.

    • His swing. He might be sleeping in it till he's 12.
    • His ocean play mat.
    • Tummy time. Less crying now that he can really hold himself up. His wiggly little self will be rolling over in no time.
    • Bath time.
    • Any books with pictures of babies or animals. He gets SO animated - talking, kicking and swinging those arms.
    • Being held. Being rocked. I'm constantly reminding myself to enjoy this part because someday my 12 and 14 year old children probably won't let me do this anymore
    • His sister. He looks at her like she hung the moon. And usually the feeling is mutual.
    • Being naked. The nightly naked kicking routine is in full effect. Just like his sister, when he's particularly upset in the evenings, pulling off his clothes and putting him on a soft blanket usually does the trick.
    • His super soft, snuggly swaddle. When he's getting sleepy during the day, I'll put him in it for a nap and he starts grinning immediately. And then passes out.
    • Kicking. And flinging his arms. He is STRONG.
    • Eating remains near and dear to his heart.
      • Being confined. This boy likes to MOVE. Though he loves being held and being swaddled, I can totally tell when he's trying to say, "put me DOWN! I need to wiggle."
      • His tummy.
      • Taking a bottle. A la his sister.
      • His itchy head. Cradle cap is improving. After literally trying every remedy under the sun, our dr recommended a tar-based shampoo that's helping.

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