Monday, April 14, 2014

Hutch Marshall - 4 months

The changes in this sweet boy over the last month have been dramatic. He's no longer a newborn, definitely a baby who's very interested in interacting with the world around him. His sweet nature means he loves to smile at and "talk" to pretty much anyone. While his sister and I remain near and dear to his heart, he has really developed an eye (and ear) for his daddy. He just lights up for him and strains to find him in the room when he hears his voice. He's also very interested in his cat, who seems to be much easier for him to see than his big dog. I do love that he seems to save his biggest, brightest smiles for his momma and that when he's really upset he calms more readily for me. There is just nothing better than being a mom!

Personality wise, I think he's definitely more chill than his sister, but he can certainly bring out the high-maintenance drama if needed. If possible, I think he's even busier than she was at this age. He's ALWAYS moving and he's so strong. His first (double) ear infection means his colic/reflux have been on high as the meds really exacerbate everything. That also has meant not a lot of sleep. For anyone.

Aside from watching him delight in the world around him, the highlight of our month was his baptism. Though he was fast asleep in my arms when it started, that water on his little head brought him wide awake and his little eyes were like saucers. But no tears. We had a great time during the service and afterward at a brunch at Grammie and Pawpaw's house with lots of family and friends. Baptisms always make me weepy (even if I don't know the children!). I genuinely believe having our babies baptized is one of the single most important decisions we'll ever make for them, and I hope we can raise them in such a way to choose Jesus as their Savior for themselves as they grow older.

Weight: 14 pounds, 15 ounces
Length: 24 inches

New things:
  • Rolling! From his tummy to his back. And looking totally confused, then totally proud of himself when he does. Also rolling onto his side occasionally. 
  • Discovering his hands. And shoving them in his mouth as hard as he can. He seriously looks like he's trying to chew them off. He's eyed his toes a few times as well.
  • Discovering his ... ahem ... boy parts. I was totally unprepared for this to happen so soon.
  • Discovering his tongue. Sticking it out, blowing raspberries and drooling a whole, whole, whole lot.
  • Ear infections. Here we go again. Baby boy had a double ear infection over spring break, followed by a round of antibiotics that cleared up one ear but not the other, followed by a second round of antibiotics that finally kicked it. Is it too early to ask for tubes????
  • I'm going to go ahead and say laughing. It's not a belly laugh but definitely a little chuckle. Sweetest sound in all the world.
  • He still loves the swing. It's like a drug. We're trying slowly to wean him off of it. 
  • His ocean play mat. And the blue octopus is still a favorite.
  • He's starting to light up for his lovies - especially a brightly colored monkey. He loves to hug it on his bare tummy. 
  • Books. That sweet boy gets so animated when we read to him he practically jumps off my lap.
  • Being naked is still a favorite. He starts to grin immediately when we take his clothes off.
  • Bath time. And splashing so much that his mom and the bathroom are soaked by the time we're done. 
  • "Talking." His favorite place to be in in someone's lap, or next to his sister, where he has the devoted attention of his holder. He loves when I sing to him or make goofy noises. 
  • Seeing his sister first thing in the morning. His big smile for her is like he's saying, "Man, I missed you during the night!"
  • He still loves to eat, but he's started pausing in the middle of nursing to look up at me and smile and talk. I remember that being one of my very favorite things about nursing Addie, too.
    • Taking a bottle is still a struggle. Somehow Jordan can get him to eat, but he's the only one with the magic touch.
    • His ears. Poor little guy. Even though we know his ears are clear, he's still messing with them like he remembers that they used to hurt.
    • His tummy.

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