Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Weston James - 5 months

I cannot believe this boy is almost half a year old! He is becoming so chatty and loves trying out new sounds. He's very into grabbing ANYTHING he can reach, usually with the intent to put it in his mouth. He's a professional roller who's also trying out some strange yoga/scooting moves. He does not like to be alone and really prefers to be held at all times. He watches every bite that goes into our mouths when he's sitting with us for a meal (soon enough, baby boy).

He absolutely adores his siblings, likes his dog, loves to see Daddy when he comes home, and, be still my heart, loves his mama best. He often shows his affection by chewing on or licking us. When he's hungry or cranky he will attempt to nurse any bare skin that comes in contact with his face. He's obsessed with the TV, and he loves a good toy that makes noise. He's also pretty happy to look at books, and my phone.    

Weight: ~16 pounds
Length: 22 inches

New things:

  • Rolling from back to tummy all the time. Occasionally rolling both ways to get where he wants to go, which usually means he gets stuck somewhere and has to cry about it. He still gets mind when he finds himself on his tummy, especially when he gets high centered. 
  • Trying out lots more new sounds. Current favorites are dadadada and addaadda ... and you can guess which two people in this house love those sounds the most. Like with his brother, I like to say he's giving a sermon series or defending his dissertation when he starts talking because he's not likely to stop anytime soon. He was trying to talk over the minister in church on Sunday ;)
  • Sitting by himself for brief periods of time
  • Giving "kisses", aka the chewing/licking mentioned above
  • Trying to start scooting, which often results in a strange downward dog position and frustrated crying
  • Getting baptized. <3 Made for a special Mother's Day for me and mine. 
  • Wearing brother's 12 month clothes! 9 month stuff still fits (mostly), too. Crazy.
  • Going swimming! Our pool has been much too cold, and sunny, so first swim was at Grammie and Pawpaw's warm, shaded pool. He absolutely loved it. Squealed with delight and kicked his little legs as fast as he could. 
  • Still sleeping from 10pm till 4/5am without a feeding. But the sleep in general has been more questionable the last few weeks. Perhaps tummy troubles or teeth? 
  • And always sleeping on his tummy now. 


  • Sophie the giraffe is still a hot commodity.
  • Eating his toes.
  • Sitting in his Bumbo on the table while we eat.
  • His jumper. And jumping in general. Although he gets really mad when he tries to eat the sun face and it whacks him in the mouth. Which occurs nearly daily.
  • Spatulas, whisks and other kitchen utensils.
  • Touch and feel books
  • Watching TV with Addie and Hutch
  • And anything else his brother and sister are doing. I am constantly having to tell them to leave the room while Weston's nursing because he CANNOT concentrate on eating if there's a chance brother or sister is going to do or say something interesting.
  • Trying to remove anything I'm eating, eating with or drinking out of my reach. 
  • Sucking his thumb, although this usually only occurs mid-sleep. He can sometimes locate his paci and get it in his mouth, but that thumb is easier to find.
  • Being outside.
  • Still likes taking naps in the swing occasionally. We're trying not to create an addict like we did with his brother ...
  • Girls in general. He likes to look at and talk to them. Sometimes be held by them as long as mama stays close by.
  • Being out and about. He loves to look at people, other kids and babies especially.


  • Wearing hats.
  • Taking naps.

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