Sunday, March 18, 2012

Addison Mae - 6 months

If you wondered if you missed Addie turning 6 months old, you didn't. I wrote the blog, took the pics, just never posted. So here it is ... just a month or so late!

    I am trying not to get weepy about the fact that my little peanut is six whole months old. How does the time fly by this fast? Addie has changed dramatically over the past month, and we are just trying to keep up. We experienced her first ear infection (boo) and learned she has reflux (double boo) but in general her colic seems to be so much better. We still have episodes now and then but they are fewer and farther between.

    Weight: 15 pounds, 2 ounces
    Length: 25.5 inches

    New things this month:
    • Laughing, squealing, babbling and in general having a whole little conversation with herself or us. We try not to tell her that we have no idea what she's saying.
    • Putting those toes in her mouth. Or her socks will do just fine.
    • Still doing the same amount of rolling as last month and still can't quite figure out how to roll over that shoulder/arm to get to her tummy from her back. Thankfully trying to reach her dog or cat is helping her learn this skill.
    • Sitting up! We've been practicing and practicing since she had to be able to sit by herself to attend the Children's Day Out program at our church. She seems to love her new vantage point of the world.
    • Eating fruits and veggies. The first time she tries something she acts like it's the most disgusting thing she's ever tasted. (Pears and bananas being the exception.) But after a few times she has loved everything we've given her. So far her diet includes: green beans, peas, avocado, sweet potatoes, bananas, pears and prunes.
    • Drinking water from a cup. Now anytime she sees someone with a Joe's or Saturn Grill cup she grunts and reaches until she gets a drink or gets her own drink. She prefers big people cups to her sippy cup.
    • Reaching for toys that are out of reach, transferring toys from hand to hand and occasionally reaching for mom and dad.
    • Paying attention to everything going on around her. I think she has some early-onset ADD. :) She is constantly stopping her feedings to try to see the TV, the dog or cat running by, her dad making noise in the kitchen. All noises need her attention immediately. My favorite is when we're playing in the living room and she hears her dad come in the back door - she looks and strains until she sees him and then grins and laughs.
    • Licking. She seems to have really discovered her tongue, and she loves to lick our faces, noses, the dog, the cat, whatever she can find. I think it's her version of a kiss.
    • Her number one like is still her hands. They are in her mouth constantly. And she likes to use them to grab anything she can get and put that in her mouth, too.
    • She definitely has eyes for her mom and dad. When someone else is holding her, she looks around until she finds us.
    • Watching us eat. She follows each bite from our plates to our mouths.
    • Her stationary jumper. Her feet don't exactly touch the ground yet, but she loves the music it makes and all the toys she can conveniently get in her mouth.
    • Still loves to be read to, especially each night before bed.
    • Her new ladybug nightlight, which projects stars and the moon onto the ceiling. As soon as we turn out the light each night before bed, she immediately looks up to the ceiling for the stars.
    • Crazy kid still loves my singing.
    • I think she likes bathtime more and more every day. She likes it so much she didn't even protest at all during her baptism when the water was placed on her head.
    • Naps.

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